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Writer's pictureLuisa Manea

Peta Cottontail

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

My family rarely like my art and my sculptures.

They all think I'm a bit nuts, buts that's ok because I don't enjoy footy or gaming.

I usually drag them along to art shows and competitions and vice versa.

There have been many times I've had to sit through a Dockers footy game or join Clash of Clans.

While they both scream at a screen while their team takes a mark or blows up a castle.

But I'm happy to report they like this tiny rabbit I've called Peta Cottontail. I don't get it. This cute little rabbit got the thumbs up from the family!

Now they want me to produce more little characters just like this. They even brainstormed around the dinner table.

Give them birth certificates, and write a little narrative about who they are.

Give the collection a name; they banter with each other over the dinner table. Meanwhile, I pondered what happened to the burly men in the Manea household. How did this cute little rabbit called Peta bring these men such joy and excitement?

Anyway, that's a question that may never get an answer.

Though they may be onto something, many potters at the potters club also liked this little bunny and a little dog. The dog has now gone to a new home with someone very special to me.

Back to Peta, it got me thinking that not everyone is getting chocolates for Easter, and Peta would make a cute little gift for either a child or an adult. While Peta isn't cuddly like a pumpkin patch doll, she is adorable, and giving each character a bit of history and info on who they are is just a bit of fun.

The potters love to give my more serious sculptures a narrative of who they are.

Including this little bunny, so far, we have decided she loves warm carrots with lots of tomato sauce smothered on top; I had to put this one in because my son would only eat a pear when he was young only if it was smeared in tomato sauce.

She loves cuddles and flapping about from the carrot fields in her neighbourhood, trying to find the best gourmet carrot. She's a good listener and loves to be wrapped in a warm and fuzzy blanket before bedtime and, upon waking, would like a soy carrot-favoured cuppa tea while still in bed.

She was born on 10/04/2022, weighing in at 50 grams and is an only child, she was created from a simultaneous dream about babies by a bunny and a bluebird, and the following day Peta popped out from under a leaf in the garden; they all live in.

Her parents are very different and have different parenting styles, which she loves as she always has a parent to go to, depending on the issue.

As for the name of the collection for these little guys, 'Peppi Clay's' could work a shortened name from 'Perpetua Clay', the title for my more extensive and more serious sculptures.

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