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100 day illustration challenge

Using different paper for my 100 day illustration challenge.

Using a lot of my expensive off cut paper for my challenge.

Some of this paper has drawings on the front that are a bit ordinary, so I'm using the back instead of wasting it.

If it turns out really well I can make prints of the good illustrations or some of this paper is so thick it's not going to matter any way.

But if some one wanted to buy one I would let them know 1st and see if they are happy as is or would like a print instead.

With prints I can clean them up and make them look really professional on my computer.

But with originals I really like to keep the rough pencil lines in to show it has not just been whipped up and you are paying for some thing made by hand.

Can't wait to see more original works on line, so sick of mass produced stuff.

Embrace what you love not what a magazine tells you how to make, you or house look like.

My 100 day illustration challenge is to find out if my illustrations are liked and why, doing a 100 illustrations doesn't necessarily make you a better artist.

Participating in courses does.

Just want to find out if I can do it and if there is any actual improvement. From experience, I have found it's best not to push through, if you are tired, best to rest and and fill your tanks when it comes to art and design.

If I allocate time for design, in a dairy it never works, you are better off being very organized all the time.

So when the design/create mood hits, you can drop every thing and just create.

Its not some thing you can switch on and off.

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